OpenLiteSpeed compatibility with CloudLinux


Verified User
Mar 6, 2010
Four Marks, Alton, Hampshire
I've found that PHP Selector appears to work perfectly with OpenLitesSpeed.

But I've had to move customers with node.js to either LiteSpeed or Apache nodes.

Have I got a dodgy system, or is node.js Selector not currently working with OpenLiteSpeed?
Cloudlinux have come back and said that currently it's not compatible with OpenLiteSpeed, and that I should talk to the OpenLiteSpeed team about that, so that's what I'll do!
Are you running latest version of it? I'd suggest:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build openlitespeed

Just to be sure it's latest :)
I tried three hours ago, switched to OLS to check the memory issue.

Version was 1.6.1. Memory consumption rocketed to 3x.

Returned back to Nginx + Apache =D
If there is a 404 error, that is because openlitespeed server can not find that file, or can not access that file. Usually a permission issue should be 403 if you are running a such bug fixed version. Need to check the debug log to find the real reason.
For the 3 times memory issue, this may be true if you are running more workers. Usually this can be tuned by updating the conf.