Openlitespeed v Litespeed plugin?


Verified User
Aug 6, 2019
As per my title, what is the difference between Openlitespeed v LiteSpeed plugin?

I ask as I had requested my Server Admin to move us over to Openlitespeed but it looks as though just the Litepseed plugin is installed.


First things first, the difference between Openlitespeed and Litespeed:
Google: litespeed vs openlitespeed
Brings you to :

Second, i see that you posted in 1 threads and opened 2 about OLS.

I googled your question and came to :

Dont know if it works, if i'm not mistaken there is a trick to let OLS react htaccess

See also :

Litespeed (payed version) supports htaccess native

First things first, the difference between Openlitespeed and Litespeed:
Google: litespeed vs openlitespeed
Brings you to :

Second, i see that you posted in 1 threads and opened 2 about OLS.

I googled your question and came to :

Dont know if it works, if i'm not mistaken there is a trick to let OLS react htaccess

See also :

Litespeed (payed version) supports htaccess native
Thanks for the post reply ;)

It is mainly my own confusion where my server admin appears to have installed litespeed rather than Openlitespeed. I did not think it would be the enterprise version as I am no paying extra for it. It also says it is a plugin rather than on its own. My versus question is mainly what is the difference in use, usage of resources, performance, is the plugin better, or should I push for OLS?

My other threads were because i initially thought I had OLS and not litespeed

Litespeed (or Openlitespeed) is an apache replacement, whereas the Litespeed Plugin is just that, a plugin in Directadmin, for easier access to the litespeed webhosting console and a few more options. The plugin without Litespeed is non functionally.

Allow me to correct you.

LiteSpeed or LiteSpeed Tec. is the company name. Since LiteSpeed sells several products, it is important to distinguish between the individual product names.

LSWS == LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise == WebServer
OLS == OpenLiteSpeed == WebServer, similar to LSWS, but OpenSoure and limited in functionality compared to LSWS
LSCWP == Cache Plugin for WordPress, although the term cache is actually incorrect because the cache plugin doesn't cache anything, it just configures the web server based cache ("LScache"). The LSCWP offers additional optimization functions to improve the loading behavior of static sources. You can also use the LSCWP without LSWS or OLS, but then you cannot use important functions such as the cache and others.

There are other cache plugins not only from LiteSpeed, but each additional cache plugin can only be used together with a specific CMS.
@LiteCache - no need to explain this to me, i use them since years. If you look at the screenshot from Greg, then its clear that he talks about the Directadmin plugin from Litespeed, and not any other wordpress or else caching plugins. And as he used the terms litespeed and openlitespeed himself in the rigth manner, it seems also clear that he understand the differences between them both (as he knows that one is free and the other not). So far i see, he was not sure if the directadmin plugin brings the full functionality from (open)litespeed webserver with it or not. And thats not the case.
.... The plugin without Litespeed is non functionally.
So I have the litespeed plugin as discussed above. I also have Litespeed Cache installed on my WP sites. So they are functional and should be working correctly?

Also how do i set up multiple 301 redirects?
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Its still unclear to me if you have either LSWS or OLS installed. Upon your screenshot, you have the Directadmin Plugin for Litespeed installed. And a wordpress cache plugin. Nice. But no info about the Litespeed Webserver Software itself. The plugin is NOT THE SAME as the webserver software LSWS or OLS. Also, your screenshot says "Litspeed is not running. Apache is not running". That makes me wonder if LSWS or OLS is installed at all.

But nonetheless, lets assume you have OLS installed. First, you must start the service, so that the message changes from "Litesped is not running" to "Litespeed is running". Or ask your hoster.

Then you have to check if OpenLiteSpeed is configured to autoload .htaccess from directories and subdirectories automatically.
You can do this from the Webadmin Console:

Here in the console, you have to look for the htaccess settings:

If confirmed, that OLS is running and htaccess autoload is correctly activated (and dont forget to restart OLS if you just activated htaccess autload), then its time to look at the redirects.

The redirects from OLS differs slightly from the apache rules, and especially for 301 redirects or rewrite bases, you have to make minor changes to the rewrite rules:

Redirect to HTTPS:

RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

Redirect www to HTTPS:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.your-domain\.com
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

... or here another thread and short explanation from the LS boards:

Only rewrite rules work in .htaccess with OpenLiteSpeed. "redirect 301" may not work with OpenLiteSpeed in .htaccess(it works with LiteSpeed EnterPrise). hence, you may use rewrite rules instead. For example:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^old/file-name.php [L,R=301]
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Ok, thanks for the info, I will check with my server admin again and link him to this post to try and figure it out.

My confusion is due to me following rewrite rules etc like you have provided but not working. As well as not being able to access the LSWS/OLS web console.

I will get back to you as soon as I have more information
ok I can confirm that it is OLS, but there must be some config issue that is causing what I have provided above. This is an up to me to fix issue as my server admin has no experience with OLS, so I am after some help as to where I can check config etc so the console etc are available and why it says litespeed and apache are not running.
Your serveradmin should at least be able to correctly install OLS so that the service is running and that you have access to the console. He also should you provide the login datas for the console.
Your serveradmin should at least be able to correctly install OLS so that the service is running and that you have access to the console. He also should you provide the login datas for the console.
I'm going to follow that up, but I think I am on my own here. I have a VPS that has basic management so this is out of scope support wise. Not being negative, he has been an excellent help over the years I have been with them.

Going to do a crash course on setting up OLS as if a new install :)
As long as you have SSH access, you`re perfectly on the road :) Whish you good (learning) success!
key feature between 2 software.

-fully support .htaccess same as apache ( rewriteRules and directive ).
-fully support protection your webserver like ddos attack as possible on layer 7.

OLS only support rewriteRules, no any directive support.
-mostly, it just nginx + half apache.
Nice! I didn't know there was a plugin, I have it now running on 4 servers with OLS, works perfectly.

1 click on a user and WP plugin was installed & running, great.

Thanks for this post!
Nice! I didn't know there was a plugin
in fact, there are 2 plugins at the time. one to simple implement it in DA (LiteSpeed WebAdmin Console 0.1 by and Martynas Bendorius), and then the other, newer, from the above screenshots
I'm not entirely sure, but to me it seems like they're both the same thing?
ah, my links yes, they are the same, apoligize. but not the plugins, they dont. one from CB is implementing (O)LS in DA, without GUI. you need url, pw and port 7080 for webconsole access. And the other, newer, is that from the screenshot, with on-click-access.
OK, I have got into Openlitespeed console after setting a pass via SSH. Now I have an alert that says "Include file detected in configuration file. Entering Read-only mode"

Is this normal?

It would seem I need to edit the specific files manually with a text editor, is that correct? Or can I apply a setting somewhere to not be in read only?

BTW, This is all on a VPS where I have 20+ accounts. When I go into DA admin - Dashboard/Custom HTTPD Configurations/View Domain Configuration

Each account has its own openlitespeed.conf file

I can't edit that directly but I can customise via button top right of page.

I am then able to add rewrites to each account, which appears to be working :)
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