OpenLiteSpeed vs Nginx... What is your choice?


Verified User
Aug 1, 2020
The idea here is to reduce costs and have good performance. I have old clients who pay a very low price and I'm going to migrate to a new server with a directadmin panel.

I'm thinking of using OpenLiteSpeed or Nginx. Which one do you recommend? And why?
Very hard question

For shared i use Nginx_Apache and LS Enterpise

Directadmin + Nginx_Apache will work out of a box for all.... and if they need more speed they can switch to pure Nginx Using the Nginx Rewrite URL = from user panel.... media WP sites can choose Nginx FCGI Cache and that will greatly help them even on shared if they have a viral news

I do not test Nginx FCGI Cache on shops they usually choose LS Enterprise hosting for the LS Cache plugin... Where on VPS majority choose to stay with OLS as LS Cache is working with very few exceptions that have some issues with OLS (such cases less than 5 in my experience)