Optimal Backup solution


Verified User
Oct 6, 2021

Currently we use Rsync to backup our servers including the system state of a server. Now we make zipfiles of every file and ftp that to our backup servers.
When we must recover a DA user we must recover it in separated places, because it is'nt a DA backup.
Now we are wondering mobdro kodi what a other solution could be, to make an admin backup throught the admin backup function of DA beside the systemstate backup. And are there possibilities to make it incremental and shrinking the files instead of 1:1 backup each file.
What kind of backup solution do you use, and are you willing to share your solution with us. And also what have you tried, what solution didn't work to prevent double investigation work.
We are using bu-backup ( https://bu-backup.com.ar/ ) without any problems, the files will be de-duplicated (based on hard-links) but wont compress the files at the destination, for N backups of the same file, you only use the space once.
We also do backups with rsync, pulled from 3 external storages, we also do mysqldumps each night on a separate SSD on each server and rync them too. On the filers we rotate the data after each synchronization over 2 raid 50 arrays on each filer, so we have the last 90 days, 12 weeks, 36 months and 10 years in stock if a customer needs old data, which in fact happens almost daily. We don’t use any compression for time reasons, it must operate as fast as possible especially restores. Since we have a redundant 40GB network, this is also not necessary. User initiated recovery is not wanted, we made the experience that as soon as u offer that the clients overwrite data with wrong backups and so lose more data as before the restore attempt.

For cP servers we have a script with which we can recover the box, for DA not and that worries me and we want to tackle it for a long time to create a disaster recovery plan for DA servers, but since I can still count them on two hands this has never enjoyed priority.

So my plan: we create every night with the DA backup tool DA backups which do not contain user data like website & mail, so only the config and other things, as far as I know this should work, but I have never looked at it... Does this work?

If we lose a box, we will boot up a new one (we’ve cold standby servers in place), update CL, update cP (or in this case DA & copy custombuild/options.conf and build all), connect to the storage in the same rack and rync all data over. Then we run the fix script (on cP) which “create” all accounts and set the permissions, assign IPs, reboot and server is back in place.

So my question: What is the fastest way to recover DA from scratch on a new box with userdata replicated?

In my imagination like this: copy all partitions with customer data with rsync (in our case /home and /mail), then synchronize the DA backups and run DA restore, will this work? Or is it better to first restore the DA backups and then replicate the user data?

I plan to shoot down my dev box with some test accounts in the near future and try a recover like this, but as time is always in short supply, I would like to let the experience of others flow in beforehand.

I will be happy to share my findings with you afterwards
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You can use DA backup without domains_data and mysql data, mysql and files/emails can be backuped separately as you want full/incremental/differential etc.
System can be backuped also by rsnapshot, or you can run DA server as proxmox VM and make whole server snapshots