Option to choose type of redirect


Verified User
Nov 22, 2006
Currently the site redirect just adds:

Redirect /current http://destination

to the .htaccess

Would it be possible to add a option to the "Site Redirection" page so that is can do either "permanent"(301), "temp"(302), "seeother"(303) or "gone"(410)

This would just mean that in the .htaccess would contain:

Redirect [permanent|temp|seeother|gone] /current http://destination

How hard would this be to implement?
You can write your own plugins or pay someone to do it for you. Thats what the plugin manager does.
pucky said:
You can write your own plugins or pay someone to do it for you. Thats what the plugin manager does.

Fair enough, however choosing the type of redirect seems like a fairly basic feature to have in the "Site Redirection" option.

After all anyone wanting it for a site that has been permanently redirected needs a 301/permanent or the search engines will not be too happy with them.