options.conf / directadmin.conf / custombuild


Verified User
Jan 19, 2013
The Netherlands
Very confused here!

I thought I had disabled awstats and webalizer all together. But found out webalizer is still active.

I explored my settings and the documentation. A couple of DA versions a go webalizer and awstats were configured in options.conf, but now in directadmin.conf (https://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=507)
The old values were in
and are still present there. I suppose I can remove them, but my point is when configuration options are moved due to a new DA version, the update script should remove them from the old configuration file (options.conf) and add them to the new configuration file (directadmin.conf). So it won't break my preferences.

Then I looked at custombuild:
Yes as expected it is showing the correct settings (although webalizer is generating stats up to this moment).
default (without anything in the directadmin.conf)
I changed webalizer to yes and checked options.conf. The setting was indeed changed. (Changed it later back to no again.)
But shouldn't this setting be saved in directadmin.conf?

Could it be that webalizer was enabled during a DA version update, because of the new default? The new default is webalizer=1 without anything in the directadmin.conf
If that is the case it shouldn't happen, because of my preferences.

Can some one shed light on this mystery?

Edit: Did a ./build opt_help

Statistics Settings
awstats: yes, no. Current value: no. Default value: no.
webalizer: yes, no. Current value: no. Default value: yes.

So custombuild is indeed looking at directadmin.conf as the default is yes. Or am I jumping to a wrong conclusion?
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I think webalizer and awstats in both directadmin.conf and options.conf have different purpose. The custombuild option is for building the webalizer/awstats whereas the directadmin option is for enabling or disabling them. So whether the package exist or not it does not matter for directadmin.conf. So if, webalizer=1 in directadmin.conf, it has no effect if the webalizer package does not exist (webalizer=no in options.conf). I might be wrong, but this is my current understanding.

Having similar options like this is very confusing. That is the reason we need this feature: https://feedback.directadmin.com/b/...nsconf-and-directadminconf-through-one-place/
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Thanks for your thoughts and agreement on the confusing configuration options.
Checked your provided feedback link. This feature request would certainly simplify things. I upped the request.