Options under "E-mail Management" display incorrectly


Verified User
Sep 13, 2008
Options under "E-mail Management" display incorrectly

Did a setup DA on CentOS 5.2 64 bits a few times but this time, I saw DA display incorrectly as below :

Mailing Lists
SPAM Filters
Webmail: Squirrelmail
\n"; } } ?> Webmail: UebiMiau
\n"; } } ?> Webmail: Roundcube
\n"; } } ?> Webmail: Atmail

\n"; } } ?> MX Records

I can click at any options below "E-mail Management" but not Webmails. (In bold) How can I fix this problem? I already tried to "./setup.sh" to reinstall DA but that didn't help at all.

Infant prilosec
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Well, I fixed it by deleted all files and folders created by DirectAdmin. (Most configs and most files under DirectAdmin folders.) Then, try to setup again.
Vaaapp vaporizer
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did u have to re-enter the email accounts and did you lose any of your emails? I am experiencing the same problem after I clicked on the update directadmin version link within directadmin... now i have that jibberish as well...
I might be lucky that I just tested DA and found that problem. So, I really had no important data in that server. That allow me to decide easily to clean it up and try again.

In my opinion, if you back up your data, restore it later should be fine. I believe it's something about compilation things. However, I can't confirm that :(
Shaved ***** Webcam
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