Os account limit


Verified User
Jul 3, 2009
We are trying to set up around 32000 user account's on the server.
The httpd server stops working at around 9000 users complaining no such log file /var/log/httpd/domain....
(cpu still handles very well and load is acceptable ram usage 7gb of total 12gb)

Whe are alredy using xfs to avoid ext3 limit on Debian lenny 5.0 amd64 kernel.
What is your advise on this and is there any os on the market for the moment that can support 32000 or even 27000 active directadmin accounts?
Whe could setup 3 DA server each around 9000 but directadmin is single server no?

Error restarting service httpd : uid 0 gid 0 : /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Unable to delete bytes log: /var/log/httpd/domains/domain.log : No such file or directory<br>
/dev/hdb1 13G 21M 13G 1% /var/log/http

/var/log/httpd/domains# find . | wc -l

When we add 10 accounts > httpd fails > unable to find log error
Whe would prefer to get the config of 32000 on one server, the hardware can take it.

NGINX with PHP-FPM i know verry little about, it works with da?
When it puts the logs in some kind of database system lot would be solved i think.