Other host accesing the mySQL on a DA-server?


Verified User
Oct 28, 2006

I am trying to have another server access the mySQL DB on my server, which is administered by DA. Now I went to user->msql_db->add host and filled there the IP of the server I want to connect.

Now when I try to connect to my DA server´s mySQL I get that error message:

"Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client in /home/myaccount/public_html/script.php on line 12

I would be grateful for whatever help I can get.
Apparantly the MySQL client does not support the remote server. At some version (4.4 if I remember correctly) the MySQL authentication protocol was changed and a new password hashing feature was introduced. Older MySQL clients cannot work with this.
You'll probably need to install the newest MySQL client libraries and recompile PHP with those.
so the problem is on the DA server I assume? Would that be possible to do by a simple DA update?

best regards, dd
DA updates only update DA itself, other software does not get patched. You'll have to manually upgrade the MySQL client libraries and recompile PHP, however I'm not sure how to upgrade the MySQL libraries.
see @how@ scripts to update first :)

There is no problem to access mysqldb since you don't firewall port 5506 if you want use from another ip, and create user through ssh or with phpmyadmin, with access db rights. DA users *possible* have no sufficient rights. Check the script too.

Be conscient that can be a security hole.