Outgoing Spam Detection


Verified User
Feb 21, 2004
Dear all, i would like to know if exist any way to block my clients to send spam.
Actually im using the limit per domail that you edit on /etc/virtual/limits but i see that many clients send spam using the server.
Besides this, some customers has on their websites a contact form that some times its vulnerable and its used to send spam using the form.

So, if you know a solution for this issues please let me know.

Many Thanks.

You can :
1. I you don't have require verify = sender enabled in exim.conf enable it.

2. Install mod_security in apache where you can disable bcc, cc in contact forms for users that are using insecure scripts
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You can :
1. I you don't have require verify = sender enabled in exim.conf enable it.

2. Install mod_security in apache where you can disable bcc, cc in contact forms for users that are using insecure scripts

it that mean i need to change:
#require verify = sender

change to :

require verify = sender

and save?
I don't see how require verify = sender is going to stop outgoing spam; outgoing email is always going to come from a valid sender on the server.

I don't see how require verify = sender is going to stop outgoing spam; outgoing email is always going to come from a valid sender on the server.


If you 're working late you forget what the first post was asking about :)