Overusing an account


Verified User
Feb 12, 2004
The Hague, Netherlands

Since some time now, I don't get an email anymore from my server when a user is overusing his account (or when he used about 80% of his bandwith or diskspace). At the show al users page, the overused ammounts arn't red anymore.

I don't use the Suspend at Limit function, because my customers pay when they overuse, but in the past I did get the mails.

Was there a version change that removed this function when not using the Suspend at Limit function, or is something else wrong ?
To begin, maybe you can see in your paniclog (/var/log/exim/ ) or reject log if you see something strange.
You can make an alias for root (etc/aliases) because by default, root is in never user list.
DA should send the mail to the user and the reseller (it worked before), but DA doesn't see that the domain is overused. So it isn't a mail problem.
As far as I know nothing in this area has been changed recently.
Try re-enabling suspend at limit and rerun the tally. If it works, then you know that's the problem.
If that's the case, an email to DirectAdmin requesting that an email be sent and overuse be highlighted in red regardless of that option would be in order.

Another question to answer. Is the tally working?
So for example it says something like this under usage

100mb/50mb ?

Edit: Allowing overselling might also have this affect.
Yesterday a user who overused his diskspace became red (the ammount) but we didn't receive an email.

The users who are overusing their bandwidth are still black and also no emails for them.

I'll set the suspend on limit on for some users to see if that will make a difference.
I just changed the bandwith limit of an test account and overused it. After that I ran the tally for that user and DA suspended the domain, but didn't send an email. The amount at the show al users page is still black.....

Check the /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/user.conf file.

Look for "sentwarning=yes" (i believe). That's set to yes after an email has been sent for that month. Try setting it to no to see if the email get's sent. I may have to change DA to allow another email to be sent.


After the last update the colours of the bandwithhave changed (green orange or red) and that is nice. The customer of who i changed the "sentwarning=yes" into "sentwarning=no" has overused his account again this month (the ammount is red now) and DA changed it back into "sentwarning=yes", but DA didn't sent the warning...

Any new ideas to solve this problem ?
I don't know what your bandwidth settings are but this is something I noticed...

User is on 79% yesterday (so no mail sent) and uses 22% today getting to a total of 101% by the end of today... result is that the account is suspended but no email is sent (unless this was changed with the latest version of DA).
