Owned license new server migration


Verified User
Jul 15, 2023

I have an owned (lifetime) license in my server and I going to migrate a new hardware.

What is the best strategy I can follow in migration, related to the license?

Is it possible to migrate the owned license to the new server and change in the old server for a temporary one?

What do you suggest I do?

1. ask your hoster for temp license.
2. buy additional license for 1 month for old server.
3. make backups, install new server, restore.
If you need a longer time, then use the above solution.

Otherwise just use the same license key. You're new server will work on that, and on the check, you can't login via the GUI to the old server anymore but it will keep running.

So you could do:
1.) Make backup of all accounts.
2.) Install new server
3.) Transfer backups to new server and restore.

If all is well, remove the old server. We don't have that many accounts so we mostly do such action during night time.