Package Name Length


Verified User
Dec 13, 2009
Anywhere, Netherlands
After searching for a while I did not find any way to change the length of a package name.

Max is 20 characters. Supportof DA also couldn't help besides make a request.

Anybody an idea how to do it? (Already cheked to edit DA files via SSH, Scripts or edit skins) Main reason is for other plugins that use the DA API to check and will not read full package names. When you make custom longer names via SSH. Than plugins that use DA API stop reading after 20 characters. Annoying.

But maybe somebody know a loophole or solution to bypass this :D

Made a feature request though
Why would you need such long package names? User's won't see them anyway. I really don't see any reason for 35 characters. So I'm curious as to that.

But are you sure about the 20 characters limit? I have a package which length is 24 characters.
However I do now it doesn't like space so I create a package like this:
so this is 23 characters, no issue creating this.

To test for sure, I create a new package with this name:
which is 34 characters, not a problem at all.

Maybe only the api has an issue with packagenames longer than 20 chars?
maybe you could show sample your package name that's required for you.
I thinks, your input have some issued with string encoder.

I already test for sure too via panel. it can go longer than 20chars.
Here is an advice to change the username length for packagename
I know how to. As I said all ready. Problem is the DA config/binary that has the 20 limit.

so this is 23 characters
This is 21 characters by the way :p But still I cannot via GUI

To test for sure, I create a new package with this name

This is so weird because I can't. But the strange thing is that I also asked DA support. They said they cannot change this:
There is no easy way to make these changes for managing the length of Packages Names.
Why would you need such long package names?
If you have a lot of packages but still want to keep them in the same "reseller or user" group for example.
Or because you started it years back with already too long names and now all systems are connected with this config it would be nice to edit the length instead change all connected services who use the package name for config reasons :p

But I tested this on a lot of different servers we have, but when I make a package as Admin (reseller or user package) this is what i get:


User package:

20 character:

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 20.54.39.png

21 characters:
Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 20.54.44.png

Reseller package:

20 character:
Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 21.01.04.png

21 character:

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 21.00.05.png

I never use the GUI by the way for this haha :D But I don't know why you all can make packages via the GUI with more characters.

So I have packages with longer names because you can just make them via SSH but the problem is that DA's config uses the 20 limit for apps connecting with DA and then they don't read the full package name I created on the server.

So lets say for example I make this package via SSH:
stijehost_reseller_apple.pkg (24 characters before .pkg)

And a plugin or app connects and reads the package name it will read:
stijehost_reseller_a.pkg (20 char before .pkg)
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Ahh, more testing. If Enhanced skin, it can create more than 20chars. but Evolution Skin won't work.
They said they cannot change this:
Yes that's weird, but I only tested in Enhanced which I always use. Seems something changed in Evo then as @Ohm J discovered, since it's not possible in Evo. So to me then this sounds as an Evo bug.

If you have a lot of packages but still want to keep them in the same "reseller or user" group for example.
Either this or the other reason, I don't see any reason it can't be shortend, by not using full names but shortened names, as long that it's clear which packages it is. Maybe it's a good idea to bring some decency in the whole thing.
I don't know of that is the correct word... but it's not difficult. Why completely for example stijehost_reseller_a.pkg. You know a person is a reseller. Options like stije_rsel_apple.pkg is clear enough and only 16 chars.

Ofcouse everybody can request things they like, but small chance it will be done or upvoted by many if it's just because it's handy but not really required. Anyway, that's a thought, and your choice. I was just curious so we don't need to discuss your idea's.

However, as said, this seems an Evo issue, it does not exists in Enhanced, I have not tested how many characters can be used in Enhanced maximum, but imho this should not be a difficult fix in Evo and should be fixed.
So personally I would not do a feature request but a bug fix request. :)
However, as said, this seems an Evo issue, it does not exists in Enhanced, I have not tested how many characters can be used in Enhanced maximum, but imho this should not be a difficult fix in Evo and should be fixed.
So personally I would not do a feature request but a bug fix request. :)
Yes we abandonded enhanced skin so i never thought about it to test there haha :) Good spotting. Thanks.
Going to test if the API calls are honouring the skin setting.

Also weird that DA itself didn't find this and told me to make feature request :D

Thanks people. Solved. Will make a bug :)