package upgrades


Verified User
Jul 18, 2003
I am just wondering. How much of the stuff we install can be upgraded without breaking DA? This is just from the customapache folder:


Example latest versions are:

Zend 2.5.0
cURL is 7.11
gd 2.0.22

Just wondering how that works. I know that php5 is on its way as well some other changes. Just wondering how that all works with DA?
CustomApache build system is simply a tool for the user - the only things DA actually relies on are the rpms da_*

the up2date configuration DA provides blocks the following:


Besides that everyting should be ok - note parts are just general - for example the kernel - we keep that off the skip list unless the system has a custom kernel compiled.

You should be able to upgrade *everything* without too much worry. DA only writes config fles, thus as long as the programs are able to read those files, it really doens't matter.

We don't do Linux :D

The reason I asked is some of the packages are a bit old. Not that we need to upgrade now but in the future if we want to upgrade Exim or Apache (obviously not to 2) because of a security issues I was wondering how that might affect DA. Nothing seems modified that much that we can't upgrade but wanted to check none the less.

As for up2date it is slightly different in FBSD we use cvsup. It is possible that someone could do a upgrade on their box and grab apache patches and so on. I guess someone should post a cvsup-stable file somewhere with that stuff rejected much like up2date has?
Correct.. nothing is really modified at all. The only thing that has custom code is the imapd binary for virtual pop accounts.

While we are on this subject just wondering what your thoughts are on switching to Apache 2? I know that when it came out it was a pain and we heard horror stories here.

I don't have much pratice in using it but I was reading on the site and realize that now php is supported as well as perl and mod_ssl. What are your thoughts on switching? I am sure many of the people that run SMP boxes would love to see the performance boost?

I am not asking to switch just wondering your thoughts on time table from your point of view?
Hmm.. I can't give you any dates.. it would be very nice to get it up and going. Right now we're doing things/features that don't currently exist... apache 1.3 does exist, so we can use it for now, but when the important features are out of the way then for sure, we'll be including it. Really, the only thing to figure out is the changes in the configuration files, which can be simply changed out as need (template files make it a breeze).. but it's just a matter of getting to it and making it work the same on all our current systems :)
