Password Directory- User (Not required) ?


Verified User
Apr 9, 2007
Huddersfield, UK
URGENT-ish: Password Directory- User (Not required) ?

Hi, if a user goes to the password directory page everything works fine, however there is this option:

Set/Update User: ...... (Not required)

Why is this classed as not required, if not entered then the password protect fails to work,
Further a user has to be entered if a users password is to be altered.

Could someone explain why this is '(Not required)' :confused:

Thank You
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Maybe it is required? I don't know. Since it's been a few days and no one else has responded, perhaps no one else knows either. Ask DA support if the answer is important to you :) .

Hi, thanks for the reply.
I did indeed contact DirectAdmin and they have explained what it means.
Not required only refers to when you are either change the name of the password area or if you are turning password protection on/off.
Also the log useage 'bug-ish' has been fixed, sechduled for release in 1.2.97.

Hope this helps.