PayPal, customers leaving ?


Verified User
Jun 17, 2004
This is NOT to start a debate, but to help me find the true ( an or something) answer ????

I had a customer come in the office to discuss a website design and hosting, ok normal. As we discuss his site, like so many others he wanted to take donations on the site, and my first and standard answer was to setup a PalPal account, and he jumped back and said no way they support pro-choice.

I have 2 other customers now asking for a different processor for the same reason. I have done a little "google ling" and have found some so so links suggesting something but noting I can verify. It seems it would not be a good ideal for PayPal to side on something like this, but what do i know! I would like to have some sort of a good answer for my customers that are raising the questions. No debating the choice thing or bashing PayPal please, I'am just wonder if any of you guys/gals have ran into this yet or is it just some local stuff someone brought up that is causing a flag to go up ! ( rumor ).. or not?
Any good, hopefully informative links and thoughts welcome, but please don't turn this is to a debate as it will get shutdown I'am sure by the mods, and we may never know the secrets to life!!! :D
The secret to life is definitely strawberries. I've never found a problem I couldn't either solve or ignore while eating strawberries :D.

I, too, have political beliefs. In order to exercise them, I need to have money. In fact, in order to live, I need money. So I often must ignore my less important beliefs to make money.

If your clients (or your prospects) won't, then there are some options. They can always find a merchant provider who will let them use a credit card account to take donations. However that's not often easy; most don't accept donations as a product unless the site is owned by and registered to a .org that's also a registered non-profit under local law. Another problem is that this will cost anywhere from $30 to $100 per month even if there are no donations.

Did you try googling for paypal alternatives? I just did, and I found a lot of choices.

The secret to life is definitely strawberries. I've never found a problem I couldn't either solve or ignore while eating strawberries .

hahahahahahahaha fantastic :D

I will try this for when ive got troubles :D
I just had a late breakfast: a sandwich consisting of two thick slices of fresh sourdough bread, slathered with sweet (not salted) butter and strawberry preserves.

But enough with the off-topic stuff :).
