Perl component error on ./build versions (spam assassin line)


Super Moderator
Oct 9, 2004
A Coruña, Spain

today im facing a strange error never saw before:

Jun 28 17:41:02.408 [557] error: dualvar is only available with the XS version of Scalar::Util at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/IO/Socket/ line 38
Jun 28 17:41:02.408 [557] error: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/IO/Socket/ line 38.
Jun 28 17:41:02.409 [557] error: dualvar is only available with the XS version of Scalar::Util at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Compress/ line 8
Jun 28 17:41:02.409 [557] error: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Compress/ line 8.
Latest version of SpamAssassin: 3.3.1
Installed version of SpamAssassin: 3.3.1

Ive checked around and seems to be a bug of Scalar::Util or perl (didnt understand well honestly) and seems to show up just on centos/red hat.

Does anybody else have this? Or, there is a way to solve it?

I've got the same thing on two of my servers, but haven't yet had time to find a solution for it. Since Spamassassin is still working ok, it's not that urgent. I will look into it though and will keep you updated.
I fixed is by installing XS and then a forced install of Scalar::Util

# cpan install XS
It will ask you a bunch of questions that you can answer by hitting the [enter] button. Once that is done:

# cpan force install Scalar::Util
When this is done, you should be good.
Ok, worked well, when i tryed to install Scalar::Util without force he was saying was up2date, with force it reinstalled and is working fine now.

This also

# cpan force install Scalar::Util

worked for me.

Note, I executed only that one line above. Without:

# cpan install XS
I had the same problem and this solution did not fix my problem this time. So I found another one on the net, in case somebody runs into the same problem:

When trying to install or upgrade a perl module using cpan,you may get an error stating that the module you are trying to install “is only available with the XS version”

This error tends to rear its ugly head after you have updated perl. The module Scalar::List::Utils contains both an XS and a pure perl version. Many other modules rely on the XS version in order to function. This is where you run into that error.

Fortunately the fix is quite simple! Simply reinstall Scalar::List::Utils manually.

tar zxvf Scalar-List-Utils-1.19.tar.gz
cd Scalar-List-Utils-1.19
perl Makefile.PL
make test install

Once this is done,try performing the installation of the module that failed with the “is only available with the XS version”error. It should now complete successfully!

This solution worked for me.
Recently this

# cpan force install Scalar::Util

gave me an error like this:

CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
Database was generated on Tue, 13 Mar 2012 09:13:46 GMT
Warning: Cannot install force, don't know what it is.
Try the command

i /force/

to find objects with matching identifiers.

so I did run:

cpan install Scalar::Util

or this

perl -MCPAN -e 'force install "Scalar::Util"'