Permission of server private key file


Verified User
May 27, 2014
The Netherlands (Holland)
I have an issue with my server private key file.
Somehow Exim requires it to be at least readable by group / others so i have it at 644.
But there is a script running somewhere witch changes it randomly back to 600.
And then my Exim stops working (client can't sent email and gets a certificate error).

So my question is twofold, either how to stop a script changing permission.
Or how to make Exim compliant with a non readable private key file.

fyi. i have now manually changed it to 600 (to see the certificate error), and it now works fine.
but i have to randomly change it to 644 to get it working again.
edit: i have reloaded exim and the error occurs.
TLS error on connection from [xx.xx.xx.xx] (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file file=/etc/ssl/server.key): error:8000000D:system library:: Permission denied
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Can you explain how you got a server.key in the /etc/ssl directory?
Did you adjust something manually (customized something) or which version Directadmin and/or Exim and exim.conf are you using and OS?

Just out of curiosity, because if I start searching for a "server.key" file, I can use any server I wan't but it will not be in the /etc/ssl directory.
Mine are here: