permission problem


Verified User
Jul 2, 2004
I have a problem with some domains, when i tried to migrate a domain with DA old installation to new installation with DA some domains stop working with a Forbidden Error.

Log error:
(13)Permission denied: access to /~username failed because search permissions are missing on a component of the path

if i change group on /home/username/domains/
to username:apache all work fine..
this can be dangerous ?

Anyone? please..
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403 errors are tough to solve. I suggest you do a Google search on Error 403 and do some reading. Possibilities:

1. Compare the Apache configs of the 2 servers to see if there are differences.

2. Make sure apache allows more than just index.html to display when you access a directory. If a domain uses index.php and apache does not allow it, you will get a 403 error if Apache does not allow directory browsing.

3. Domain uses a .htaccess file and this is not allowed in apache config.

The list of possibilities goes on and on. It will not be a "permissions" error you can chmod.