PHP 5.2 and 5.4 on the same server


New member
Jun 27, 2013

I see DA now has a PHP versions switch in its templates (

Has anyone succeeded in installing PHP 5.2 and 5.4 on the same server? I am trying to get all clients to move gracefully up to PHP 5.4 so need to allow them to switch in their timescale hence need both versions.

Running DA on Centos. Any ideas would be great


Has anyone succeeded in installing PHP 5.2 and 5.4 on the same server?


CB 2.0 does not support PHP 5.2. But still it can be installed with a custom modification,so you would install PHP 5.2 into /usr/local/php52-cgi with something like this:

Guys, I'm going to install PHP 5.4 and 5.5 using custombuild, but also I'd like to offer to my customers a possibility to use PHP 5.2 and 5.3. What would you recommend?

Maybe these versions are outdated and insecure, but I cannot kick out them from my hosting
That's possible to do, you should consider to install needed PHP versions (PHP-CGI with suPHP) with manual modification of --prefix in configure script:

PHP 5.2. => --prefix=/usr/local/php52-cgi
PHP 5.3. => --prefix=/usr/local/php53-cgi

and build PHP 5.4 and 5.5 using custombuild as usually.

If it's something difficult for you, I could offer my own help, as well as some other users who offers server administration.
zEitEr: but how the customer can change PHP version ...php version selector do the changes in templates
With a built-in PHP selector I guess they won't be able to select 5.2 and 5.3 versions.
Technically Possible (at least it works in my dev server) to compile PHP 5.2 (even PHP 4.4) on the same box, basically you can use FCGIWrapper to set to a new /usr/local/safe-bin/scripts , where the scripts point to different PHP binary.

It is not possible to use on DA PHP version selector to choose other PHP version.
According to DA support, the selector read custombuild/options.conf