PHP 5.5.0 released


Verified User
Apr 27, 2009
PHP 5.5.0 was released today. The new version should be available in custombuild 2.0 soon. Quote from

The PHP development team is proud to announce the immediate availability of PHP 5.5.0. This release includes a large number of new features and bug fixes.

The key features of PHP 5.5.0 include:

  • Added generators and coroutines.
  • Added "finally" keyword.
  • Added simplified password hashing API.
  • Added support for constant array/string dereferencing.
  • Added Class Name Resolution As Scalar Via "class" Keyword
  • Added support for using empty() on the result of function calls and other expressions
  • Added support for non-scalar Iterator keys in foreach
  • Added support for list in foreach
  • Added Zend Opcache extension and enable building it by default.
  • The GD library has been upgraded to version 2.1 adding new functions and improve existing functionality.
  • A lot more improvements and fixes
Changes that affect compatibility:

  • PHP logo GUIDs have been removed
  • Windows XP and 2003 support dropped
  • Case insensitivity is no longer locale specific. All case insensitive matching for function, class and constant names is now performed in a locale independent manner according to ASCII rules
For users upgrading from PHP 5.4 there is a migration guide available here, detailing the changes between PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5.0.

For a full list of changes in PHP 5.5.0, see the ChangeLog.

Edit: Here is a useful blog post by Johannes Schlüter:,-whats-up-with-5.4-and-5.3.html
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IMO, 5.5 shouldn't be an option yet. We tried 5.4 (from 5.2), and a few of our clients complained about seeing abnormalities with CMS scripts - yes we did warn them to upgrade their scripts/etc a month ago, whether they did or not, who knows. So, had to go with 5.3 in the end.

OFC, this is for CB2.0, so it's kind of beta - we use CB1.2 though.

Just my 2p's worth
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We upgraded to php 5.4.x on our shared hosting servers one year ago, and there was minimal problems. Today we are running custombuild 2.0 on all servers (cb 2 with mod_php + mod_ruid2 is very stable), and are planning to upgrade the production servers to php 5.5.x in about four month.
As it is only an option, it's use is not mandatory.
However, we prefer to make it available sooner than later so we can learn it's ins and outs, and what issues we'll all see from using it (if any).
It's been in CB2 from the beginning, so nothing has really changed with this release, other than going from 5.5.0RC3 to 5.5.0.

nothing has really changed with this release, other than going from 5.5.0RC3 to 5.5.0.
Which of course is a big change; many of us who don't update to RCs will update to final versions without giving it a thought. Not us though :).

We prefer to wait to see what others find out for us.

When I was a young boy I used to love those cowboy and indian western television shows. It never escaped me that the pioneers are the ones who get an arrow in the back. :D

Switching from 5.2 to 5.4 was not a very big deal. The only troubles were with deprecated ereg and eregi functions.

This time however I ran into big issues. Switching from 5.4 to 5.5 make too many of the old (no CMS, custom made) sites to start to throw warnings about deprecated function mysql_connect (and it's related).

So people who think to upgrade to 5.5 should first think about updating all their scripts to mysqli_...
Works like a charm PHP5.5 ;-)

A tip for those who upgrade and want to use the Zend Opcode cache, it is not activated by default, you'll need to add an extra line in php.ini.
Add after the line [opcache]:
save and restart apache (or in case of php-fpm, restart php-fpm55 service) to activate Zend Opcache
Thanks for the tip! I wonder if Zend Opcode cache is recommended for servers used for shared hosting clients? At the moment I am running php 5.4.x without any caching, but because Zend Opcode cache is default in php 5.5, I am wondering if I should start using it when I upgrade ...
Works like a charm PHP5.5 ;-)

A tip for those who upgrade and want to use the Zend Opcode cache, it is not activated by default, you'll need to add an extra line in php.ini.
Add after the line [opcache]:
save and restart apache (or in case of php-fpm, restart php-fpm55 service) to activate Zend Opcache

Actually, you will also need to uncomment the line opcache.enable=1 in php.ini to make it work. When enable, it will shows something like below :

This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
Zend Engine v2.5.0-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.0.2-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2013, by Zend Technologies
We prefer customer choose which PHP library to run for their website (even possible in directory level), even with custom php.ini .
We try to build PHP 4, 5.2 , 5.3 , 5.4 , 5.5 binary at /usr/local/phpxx ,
and let customer choose which version via mod_fcgid .

We think we shall not control (or force) the customer(s) to use which PHP version, especially those very loyal customers.
We may suggest them to switch from the old-EOL PHP to latest, but not mandatory upgrade.

With suPHP or mod_fcgid , even the (old) PHP binary contains bug, as the binary running as end-user identity, it shall simply affect at user level, not the host level security.
Just tested PHP 5.5. with Zend OpCache, my feeling is that PHP 5.4 FPM with APC is faster.
Zend opCache is now included into CustomBuild 2.0. Default PHP settings are placed in configure/opcache/opcache.ini:

Customized custom/opcache/opcache.ini could be used if needed :) A CB 2.0 version having configure/opcache/opcache.ini file should be uploaded to files1 very soon.
Zend opCache is now included into CustomBuild 2.0. Default PHP settings are placed in configure/opcache/opcache.ini:

Customized custom/opcache/opcache.ini could be used if needed :) A CB 2.0 version having configure/opcache/opcache.ini file should be uploaded to files1 very soon.

I notice that opcache lines in php.ini have been commented out, I liked that. Will it now be default enabled opcache, and will that change be made on current installs? I would not like that. I don't use opcache, and if I would start to use it, I would need to test it alot before using it in production.

So please don't make opcache default for current installations, or please make a option to not enable it (keep it commented out in php.ini). Thanks.
It's not enabled by default. Default is opcache=no in the options.conf file.
If you're using files1, it should be in configure/opcache/opcache.ini (and the contents of it should be placed in directadmin.ini). If you're using other fileservers, please be patient, it could take up to 24 hours for that :)
Well i'm a mirror and i did update with rsync before try that,

sayd that, i did just tryed again ./build opcache (after update mirror and cb) but directadmin.ini get not filled with opcache configs.
