PHP 7.3 - Argon2ID not working


New member
Jul 7, 2020

While moving some of my websites over to my new install of DirectAdmin, I noticed that I was unable to login to my account through one of those websites. After some quick looking, I realized it was caused by Argon2ID apparently not working on the server. I've tried including it in CustomBuild installs, both through my admin panel and CLI, and it was to no avail. The server that hosts my DirectAdmin install is Ubuntu 16.04, and the PHP version if 7.3.19. If you would like to see the raw PHP error, you can find it here. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

A solution has since been found to fix this issue

To fix this issue, please make sure that you do the following:

Install the required Argon2ID dependencies.
Bash 'sudo apt install argon2 libargon2-0 libargon2-0-dev'.

Create a CustomBuild PHP file to use
Bash 'cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild'.
Bash 'mkdir -p custom/php'.
Bash 'cp -fp configure/php/configure.php73 custom/php/configure.php73'.

Compile Argon2ID
Bash 'nano custom/php/configure.php73'.
Add '--with-password-argon2=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu'. MAKE SURE TO ADD A BACKSLASH ON THE LINE BEFORE.
Do "CTRL + X" and then "Y" and then "CTRL + X" again.
Bash './build php n'.
Once complete, restart Apache.