PHP 8.1.23 and 8.2.10 Released


Verified User
Jul 17, 2021
31 Aug 2023

PHP 8.1.23 Released!

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 8.1.23. This is a bug fix release.
All PHP 8.1 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
For source downloads of PHP 8.1.23 please visit our downloads page, Windows source and binaries can be found on The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.
31 Aug 2023

PHP 8.2.10 Released!

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 8.2.10. This is a bug fix release.
All PHP 8.2 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
For source downloads of PHP 8.2.10 please visit our downloads page, Windows source and binaries can be found on The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.
I am not sure if there was an issue while compiling PHP 8.2.8, but I am sure there is an issue compiling PHP 8.2.9.
PHP 8.2.9, and probably PHP 8.2.10 does not compile when you have libiconv 1.16 installed.
For older installations, CustomBuild installed libiconv 1.16 by default.
For newer installations, CustomBuild did not install libiconv 1.16 by default, and uses the distro provided libiconv.
With the distro provider libiconv, there is no issue compiling PHP 8.2.9.

I tried to delete libiconv 1.16, but was unable to remove it completely without causing issues.
See my thread here:

Kind regards
I'm running Rocky 8.8 and I installed 8.2.9 about three days after it came out and same with 8.2.10. I have no issues with my installation.