php 8.2.0RC1 php_value auto_append_file not working


Verified User
Jan 19, 2013
The Netherlands
I installed with CB 8.2.0RC1 as php2_release php-fpm to get ready for the future.

I noticed php_value auto_append_file in .htaccess does not work any more in php 8.2. I tried httpd.conf customization to make it work again. But with no success.
Switching to php 7.4 immediately makes php_value auto_append_file in .htaccess working again.

htscanner is enabled. So my guess is that php_value auto_append_file is dropped in php 8.2, but I can't find a confirmation with google.

Is php_value auto_append_file indeed dropped? Is there a work around?
Thanks for the hint.
php_value auto_append_file should still be working up to php 8.1.
As php 8.2.0RC1 is still a release candidate could be the reason auto_append_file is not working.

I will try php 8.1 and see if auto_append_file is working.
does not work any more in php 8.2.
First of all. PHP 8.2 is not official released yet. And also not supported by DA yet. It's not the best idea to use non-release versions on production servers.

Secondly, is the fact that htscanner does not even support PHP 8.1 yet.
Or at least not in DA. I don't know if there should be an update for DA for htscanner or if there is an update available (didn't check yet).

Edit: Now I did check, found an issue in the build script for php 8.1 in any case.

So that is the reason of your .htaccess issues.
Yes, as far the htscanner for php 8.1. you indeed probably stumbled upon an error in the build script.
as far as I know. On php-fpm, you shouldn't use directive php_value with .htaccess, Use ".user.ini" instread, even you have htscanner extension. but directive .htaccess not design for php-fpm.
even you have htscanner extension. but directive .htaccess not design for php-fpm.
The htscanner extension is ment to be able to also use php_value directives in .htaccess.

However, I agree it's better to start using the ini file, because that is the way it normally should be done if .htscanner is not installed. But you have to learn this to the customers, which are used to using .htaccess.