php directives in .htaccess


Verified User
May 6, 2006
United Kingdom
Now i have used custombuild to install 2 versions of php as cgi, i now have the problem of per domain php directives not working using .htaccess ( i know this is normal). What is the best way of setting these directives?
If you are running the php scripts as a cgi then I don't think the php directives in .htaccess will work but I am not sure so check that.
Now i have used custombuild to install 2 versions of php as cgi, i now have the problem of per domain php directives not working using .htaccess ( i know this is normal). What is the best way of setting these directives?

There is a project to fix that:

The problem is this seems not to work in custombuild setup. I have no idea why, I have tried setting that up. While patch in C for apache 2.0.59 works fine (errors are no longer thrown by apache), htscanner/php seems to ignore php_value directives in .htaccess.

Anybody has an idea how to make this work?