PHP Fatal error: Out of memory - Openlitespeed and Wordpress


New member
Apr 29, 2020
Hi there

I'm having some problems solving this. I have Wordpress running on OpenLiteSpeed.

I'm trying to import some demo content into a Wordpress theme that keeps failing.

Looking at the DA Error logs for that account there are many [STDERR] PHP Fatal error: Out of memory entries.

Php memory limit was already sufficient but I increased it further - I tried 300Mb, 500Mb and now its set at 1Gb.

Wordpress recognises this increase on the dashboard but the Out of Memory messages persist and thus the Demo import keeps failing

I was wondering if anyone could suggest what else I could try? I thought perhaps OpenLiteSpeed was using another php to get settings but because Wordpress shows the 1Gb I set I'm not sure?

Any help would be appreciated.