PHP form generator anyone


NoBaloney Internet Svcs - In Memoriam †
Jun 16, 2003
I need a PHP form generator, preferably one which will work on either PHP4 or PHP5. I tried PHP Form Generator from Installatron, but the version they distribute is worthless, and the new beta version from the PHP Form Generator website is only available in Demo mode and the bookmark link appears broken so I can't save my work. In addition, the last time it was updated appears to be in 2007, and the project head doesn't appear to return emails.

So I'm looking for something better.


Thanks in advance.

I'm sorry I wasn't more clear Peter. I'm looking for something I can run on my own system and offer to my clients.

And the one you posted is limited to only ten fields.


I have been doing some poking around as well without a whole lot of luck. Based on my own experiences I usually end up setting up a site in either Wordpress or Joomla and then utilize a plugin (Wordpress) or an extension (Joomla) which usually takes care of some of that. Not sure if this helps you at all Jeff.
Not really; I need a script to use myself on pre-existing sites and to give to people who need one. I used to offer Matt's, but it's long past time to move beyond that.

Looks good for my needs, Peter. We'll try it out in the future, though for my immediate need I've managed to get the demo versio of PHP Form Generator to work for me.

We don't intend to give our clients a form designer, just a back-end, to replace, which we've been giving away almost since it was written.

Once I've tried it out I'll most likely be able to use it to replace

Have you any experience with their encryption system?

Hey, Thom... it's a selling model. I don't need a configuration wizard; just the php framework (I'm not a php programmer; I'm a server admin). And I don't need to give my clients a free configuration wizard. So it may work for me, and I may try it.

So far, as I mentioned, I was able to get the free PHP Form Generator to work; the only problem is with their download system. Once you've done it you can't download any changes, or in fact use it again, for at least a day; you'll get the same code over and over again in the zipfile.

But it gave me the framework I need, and it works for me now, though it appears it's been abandoned; the guy never wrote me back even though I offered him money to fix it.

Still looking for a php framework similar to, to give my clients.

Hey, Thom... it's a selling model. I don't need a configuration wizard; just the php framework (I'm not a php programmer; I'm a server admin). And I don't need to give my clients a free configuration wizard. So it may work for me, and I may try it.

I am far too simple minded to understand "selling model"...but swift enough to understand basic bait and switch.

I'm sure you can get it to work....there a quite a few php form generators available....some are free, some cost bucks.

So far, as I mentioned, I was able to get the free PHP Form Generator to work;


But it gave me the framework I need, and it works for me now, though it appears it's been abandoned; the guy never wrote me back even though I offered him money to fix it.

Maybe that's why installatron has it in their collection...doesn't cost them a dime to offer outdated abandonware

I use this site/script for feedback forms

While there is a php version, I use the cgi version. I modified it to allow the user to be returned to the page where he/she was after completion of the form....and the form also shows me thier IP and what page they were on...form response is sent to multiple addresses and I may have included code to write a csv data file on the server.

If I understood PHP I would use that version.

I'll PM you with a site that uses the script...since I know you won't spam me (g)
Maybe that's why installatron has it in their collection...doesn't cost them a dime to offer outdated abandonware
The one Installatron installs is even older, and you can run it on your system... but it's much too basic.
I use this site/script for feedback forms

While there is a php version, I use the cgi version. I modified it to allow the user to be returned to the page where he/she was after completion of the form....and the form also shows me thier IP and what page they were on...form response is sent to multiple addresses and I may have included code to write a csv data file on the server.

If I understood PHP I would use that version.

I'll PM you with a site that uses the script...since I know you won't spam me (g)
Okay, now I know why you sent me the link (I read PMs before I read posts).

I found and looked at this previously; the problem is that you have to use their wizard to create a script which you cannot then redistribute.

I found and looked at this previously; the problem is that you have to use their wizard to create a script which you cannot then redistribute.

Yes and no....if you create a script for a specific site and modify it for that site you're OK

What you can not do is use his wizard to create a script....modify it...and then distribute it.

Most users can use the script as it's really a no-brainer.

Of course there are folks like me who do a little "value add" and login to the user's site and run the wizard on their behalf.

I don't understand the AppNitro license.

Can I install the $39 version on one site and then use it to build forms for multiple sites? Or must I buy the $199?

Either way, note that what i'm looking for is something I can give away to my clients for them to create their own forms.


I'm sorry but I'm obviously not being as clear as I thought I was.

I'm looking for a php web-app I can give away with no restrictions, to my clients, that they can then use to create their own forms for their own sites, also with no restrictions.

Perhaps it's time to stop revisiting this; it may not exist. The last promising project I was able to find is The PHP Form Generator (see the link in my first post to this thread), but though the old version is available in Installatron, the new version is only available as a beta demo from the Sourceforge site, and it's broken in a few ways; namely you can't work on more than one site (it will always send you the first one you created), and you can't edit it (again, it will always send you the first one you created).

So maybe it's time to change the direction of this thread, and ask if anyone wants to work with me on writing a program which will create forms? To license as open source, and to allow anyone to use.

