PHP-FPM + PHP 5.3 results in file not found errors


New member
Aug 2, 2013
I have been testing out CustomBuild 2.0 and various versions of PHP and noticed that when using PHP-FPM with PHP version 5.3, any script with a query string results in a file not found error. For example: (notice the broken PHP logo)

This is not a problem with PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5, and is isolated only to PHP 5.3.

This was on a new VPS with DirectAdmin newly installed and then the most recent version of custombuild 2.0 downloaded and installed as well. There are no customisations to any of the configuration files.

Any ideas what might be causing it? I have experienced this on another VPS with existing sites as well, so it isn't isolated to a specific server.
Are you running the latest pre-release version of DA with CustomBuild 2.0 RC5? It might be a bug of PHP 5.3 or a different default configuration in php.ini file, if you don't experience the problems with PHP 5.4/5.5.
I am definitely running RC5. Just to confirm I ran ./build on the server and the version reported is:
Version: 2.0.0-RC5

I haven't changed the php.ini file so I should be using whatever custombuild provides by default for those versions. Is there anything I should test to help narrow the issue further?
Please post the output of:
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin o
root@web3:~# /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin o

Compiled on 'Debian 5.0'
Compile time: Jun 25 2013 at 23:27:44
Compiled with IPv6
I have same error

I have same error
PHP_fpm php 5.3.27
apache 2.4.6

Compiled on 'CentOS 5.0 64-bit'
Compile time: Jun 25 2013 at 23:29:52
Compiled with IPv6