

Verified User
May 27, 2008
The Netherlands
I've got CB 2.0 setup within my CL environment. It works pretty good from what I've tested so far.

I did found out that phpmyadmin won't let you login unless you have the following in phpmyadmin/.htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]
(as stated at

I got php 5.3 and php 5.4. I was wondering if there was a way to get a whole directory running on the second version without having to name each file .php53?
Also about the pool processes. It permanently creates at least 2 pools for each user. And if you run 2 php versions u can do that * 2. If you have many users there will be really many processes. Has this been thought over or is it just a default? I can imagine it's needed, that if it needs to create a process when a visitor comes it would take too long. On the other hand with a fair timeout setting it may be a solution. Or maybe change the setting to 1 process by default. If someone has thoughts about it please share.

If you have many users there will be really many processes.

That is why I still hesitate to use it on production servers with >100 users. Nevertheless I might try it on single project servers soon. Do you see any difference on CPU usage? LA? RAM? Speed?
I've got CB 2.0 setup within my CL environment. It works pretty good from what I've tested so far.

I did found out that phpmyadmin won't let you login unless you have the following in phpmyadmin/.htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]
(as stated at

I got php 5.3 and php 5.4. I was wondering if there was a way to get a whole directory running on the second version without having to name each file .php53?

You should use DA pre-release binaries :) New templates are added there (they solve the problem)
Also about the pool processes. It permanently creates at least 2 pools for each user. And if you run 2 php versions u can do that * 2. If you have many users there will be really many processes. Has this been thought over or is it just a default? I can imagine it's needed, that if it needs to create a process when a visitor comes it would take too long. On the other hand with a fair timeout setting it may be a solution. Or maybe change the setting to 1 process by default. If someone has thoughts about it please share.

Yes, that's how php-fpm works :) But yes, 1 process by default can be used. CustomBuild 2.0 is still open for suggestions.
About the pre-release binaries, I installed them yesterday -- but I'm not entirely sure how to check the version, in DA it says this:
Compiled on CentOS 6.0 64-Bit
Compile Date Sep 24 2012, 04:14:16
Server Version 1.41.1
Current Available Version 1.411000
Last Updated Mon Sep 24 12:15:01 2012
Last Restart Wed Oct 3 11:22:46 2012

As it is an internal license I had to ask my DC for the link.

@zEitEr, I can't really test it easily, but if you would compare it with CLI like mod_ruid2, I would say mod_ruid2 is more efficient. I need CGI for CL in order to limit the resource usage and rights. From all the CGI's out there php-fpm seems the best one.
Thats about all the information there is.

You can basically do the same thing from the shell by doing:

/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin v
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin o
Yes but I meant which version I need to have for CB 2.0, I believe 1.41.1 is the current normal version, but I'm not sure if the pre-release has a different version number.
I've downloaded and ran the steps again and now it says

Compile Date Oct 3 2012, 04:37:49

I then wanted to try if phpmyadmin worked without the htaccess, I deleted phpmyadmin from /var/www/html and did a ./build phpmyadmin

But it still wont let me login without that htaccess -- what was the fix if I may ask and can I check if I have it somewhere?
I've downloaded and ran the steps again and now it says

Compile Date Oct 3 2012, 04:37:49

I then wanted to try if phpmyadmin worked without the htaccess, I deleted phpmyadmin from /var/www/html and did a ./build phpmyadmin

But it still wont let me login without that htaccess -- what was the fix if I may ask and can I check if I have it somewhere?

Then it must be old config files. Run "./build rewrite_confs" for that. In /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-directories.conf you should have:
FastCgiExternalServer /var/www/html/index.php -socket /tmp/fpm|WEBAPPS_PHP_RELEASE|/webapps.sock -pass-header Authorization

Instead of:
FastCgiExternalServer /var/www/html/index.php -socket /tmp/fpm|WEBAPPS_PHP_RELEASE|/webapps.sock
I've changed the data/templates/php-fpm.conf template to use:
pm.start_servers = 1
instead of 2. For boxes with many Users, this should really help lower the memory usage, assuming there are many non-active sites.
If multiple Users access the website, more processes will be automatically spawned, as needed.