PHP is not Running after installation

How long did you wait after installing? Because everything is compiled in the background, maybe it takes a little bit longer.

Otherwise you have to check via fpm, give this command as root:

service php-fpm81 status

and see if it throws an error.
How long did you wait after installing? Because everything is compiled in the background, maybe it takes a little bit longer.

Otherwise you have to check via fpm, give this command as root:

service php-fpm81 status

and see if it throws an error.
this is the output when i give the command:

after installing directadmin, the apache/httpd is not running, then i rebuild the httpd, turns out the php-fpm81 stopped and not running.
Odd. It looks like php 8.1 is not even installed.

Can you check the following file:
where you can see the PHP versions selected on top.

Is php 81 present? If yes, could you try rebuilding like this?
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build php n
it should rebuild all php versions mentioned in options.conf including php 81.
Thanks for your reply, I've tried rebuild PHP with the command you provide, but the PHP still not running. i alse rebooted the server.
There was no error during the build?
Could you provide a new output of the service php-fpm81 status command?
Try via SSH and see what it says there because the last message says it started successfully.
If it still does not start, seems some issue with placing the script in Debian, then maybe @smtalk can help you with that.
I'd suggest opening a support ticket, as I guess ./build php failed.