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Recently I've been running into the problem of php exhausting its memory limit. Using the modernbill software as a standard of testing I've generated the exhausting error at an 8m limit on DA systems...but it works perfectly fine on cPanel system with an 8m limit.
Is this a configuration difference between the way apache+php is compiled?
Maybe I'm missing something but it seems rediculous that I would have to increase the limit by 4m to get modernbill to work on a DA system.
Now I was running DA a while back about a year ago without issues at 8m and modernbill if I recall correctly, but I've run into this problem on 3 installs now.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Is this a configuration difference between the way apache+php is compiled?
Maybe I'm missing something but it seems rediculous that I would have to increase the limit by 4m to get modernbill to work on a DA system.
Now I was running DA a while back about a year ago without issues at 8m and modernbill if I recall correctly, but I've run into this problem on 3 installs now.
Thanks in advance for your help.