PHP Memory Limit Exhausted


Verified User
Dec 27, 2004
Recently I've been running into the problem of php exhausting its memory limit. Using the modernbill software as a standard of testing I've generated the exhausting error at an 8m limit on DA systems...but it works perfectly fine on cPanel system with an 8m limit.

Is this a configuration difference between the way apache+php is compiled?

Maybe I'm missing something but it seems rediculous that I would have to increase the limit by 4m to get modernbill to work on a DA system.

Now I was running DA a while back about a year ago without issues at 8m and modernbill if I recall correctly, but I've run into this problem on 3 installs now.

Thanks in advance for your help.

A bug in the version of Modernbill you are running? I'm not having any troubles with the default limits and MB.

Just go ahead and raise the limits, there's really no reason to be so paranoid about such a relatively small increase in requirements.
I don't have a problem upping the limit a few megs but that really isn't fixing anything I'd rather not work around the problem.

I'm also having this problem when uploading sql files via phpmyadmin even when they are gzip files under 700kb it will exhaust a 20mb limit.

Is there anyone else who has this problem and figured out why and/or how to fix it?

Is your server busy (with other website php activity), that is the usual cause for the error. Especially those running heavy, frequently used programs, such as forums.
This is not a production server yet in fact the only things that will probably be run on it are kayako and modernbill and I'm currently the only person accessing it.
DirectAdmin uses no php resources. So look over your server very carefully to figure out what is.

Well the thing is I've installed DA on 3 different servers and cPanel on 3 different servers and all the cPanel ones work perfectly with the 8m limit, and all the DA ones do not. Each server is configured identically, hardware, partitions, etc.

Are there any tips or tricks posted somewhere here on the forums to optimize PHP and/or Apache?
Then it could be your hardware. I have never had this issue on any of my servers (mix of FreeBSD and Debian) and modernbill or any other php based software with DirectAdmin...

There are some tips scattered around the forums, but you might get more fulfilling information from a google web search. Once you know what each setting does you basically have to make a rought guess of what they should be based on the use of your server and work on fine tuning from there.
Well assuming it was the hardware, what would I look at first? I'm working with 11 servers I just purchased from Rackmounts Etc
Well assuming it was the hardware, what would I look at first? I'm working with 11 servers I just purchased from Rackmounts Etc