

Verified User
Feb 27, 2007
I did a yum install php-pear and it has seamed to crash apache. When I start apache, I get this:

Syntax error on line 29 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'TypesConfig', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

I am completely lost. Can anyone assist?
I'm sorry I don't have a better ansfer for you.

I have the line in my httpd.conf file on a system I have open right now; it's httpd 1.x.

Do you have these three lines as shown here?
<IfModule mod_mime.c>
    TypesConfig /etc/mime.types
If not, then try adding the test and restarting apache.

If you're using Apache 2.x, then check to see if it has or uses the module.

I'm sorry I don't have a better ansfer for you.

I have the line in my httpd.conf file on a system I have open right now; it's httpd 1.x.

Do you have these three lines as shown here?
<IfModule mod_mime.c>
    TypesConfig /etc/mime.types
If not, then try adding the test and restarting apache.

If you're using Apache 2.x, then check to see if it has or uses the module.


This is what I have in my httpd.conf: Apache ver 2.2.8

<IfModule mime_module>
TypesConfig conf/mime.types
AddType application/x-gzip .tgz
AddEncoding x-compress .Z
AddEncoding x-gzip .gz .tgz
AddType application/x-compress .Z
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddHandler type-map var
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
AddType video/x-ms-asf .avi
AddType video/mpeg .mpg
AddType video/mpeg .mpeg
AddType video/quicktime .mov
AddType video/x-ms-wmv .wmv
You didn't say which you're using, Apache 1.x or 2.x.

Also I don't know what the mime_module is.

Have you tried removing the offending line? If so, does apache start/run?
