php script chown


Verified User
Feb 3, 2005
I've made a php thing in wich a user can make
an personal page every user creates his own
html file okay no problem here, but when the
user wants to place a personal message in this file
they don't get permission.

I can change the chmod but do I
have to change the chown to?

the chown is set on apache is standard on my
server ?!

there for the user hasn't have permission to
fwrite,fread ect.....
does my script die here??
Ok there is a small little thinghy about PHP with Apache :s

PHP is ran under apache and therefore the process owned by apache.

The file your scripts generates are apache owned. If you have a file you want to change it has to be owned or at least the user "apache" has to have the permissions on it ;)

using: chown apache:apache [file] (Script works, user can't access)

chown apache:[user] [file]
chmod 775 [file]

(Scripts works and user can access)
reply to reply

I've tried chown but apache stays owner ! ;-)
by the way I don't really know what to put
in the func chown

My username??
My paasw??

a number ??

I've tried a lot but it doesn't change the chown

I''ve read about safe mode under wich php
possibly is running ??

my script may die here

(ps me Dutch to) :) :) :) :)