PHP Selector change on suspend


Verified User
Sep 20, 2021
It seems like the PHP selector is changing when I suspend a user. Anyone experiencing the same and can be confirmed? Thanks in advance
Hmmz... haven't noticed yet, but haven't tested either.

What is when the user get's unsuspended, is he set back to slot 3? Or is he remaining at slot 1?
Because if he would be set back to slot 3 then I can imagine why it's working this way.
maybe it's not change anything, but can't fetch version correctly and show default selector instead.

you can read directly inside "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/", I don't know which files stored php_selector of domains.
I've checked it on my server. A native PHP selector in DirectAdmin shows a correct PHP version for a domain of an user in the both cases: suspended user and active. At least in my case.

Probably you've got a customization on your server, that breaks the things.

you can read directly inside "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/", I don't know which files stored php_selector of domains.

It is in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/bob/domains/

For example:

grep ^php1_select= /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/bob/domains/

where you might see something like:


where 2 matches the secondly installed PHP version in DirectAdmin.