PHP showing as plaintext after ./build rewrite_confs


Verified User
Oct 2, 2012
As the title says, everything was running well (CB 2.0, php1_release=5.3, php1_mode=php_fpm) but after a ./build rewrite_confs PHP is suddenly displayed as plain text.

I'm not sure in which configuration file i should look for this. Services httpd and php-fpm53 are running without problems and I'm not seeing anything in the server logs. Could anyone help? Thanks!

-- update

apachectl -l | grep cgi doesn't show mod_fcgid.c - which is in a lot of conf files. Could this be the issue?

-- update #2

Could it be that the Custombuild 2.0 script was updated? Line 6598 through 6606 of the build script are commented and seem to be needed for this to work.
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Martynas/DA, could you please shed some light on this?

The steps I've done are simply;

- extract Custombuild 2.0 tar in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/
- edit options.conf; php1_release=5.3, php1_mode=php-fpm, php2_release=no
- ./build all d

After a while, a message is shown that everything has been installed successfully; however- PHP is shown as plain text.
Is this possibly related to ?

When setting php1_mode=mod_php and then performing the build, everything works as expected.
Please update DA, custombuild and remove custom templates. That should solve the problems.
You're the best, smtalk ;)

I've deleted the custom directory, did a ./build update_versions, redownloaded custombuild (md5sum was the same though) and performed ./build apache and ./build php d . Everything works again.

It's weird, though, come to think of it... I didn't change anything and php-fpm was stable for about a month now, but after performing a ./build update_versions one day, it broke. Must've been some old custom config.

Thanks again!