php switch for every user?


Verified User
Dec 4, 2006
Is it possible that every user can choose the version of php 4 or 5?

Cause I don't know how to do it. An most of my users wants php4, some of them need php5.

I'm using Debian.
Both versions of PHP cannot be installed into apache. That's a limitation in apache.

So if you need both versions you'll have to compile httpd with one of the versions (your apache is already compiled with PHP4), and set up apache to use the other (in your case PHP5) as a cgi language.

This thread has some information.

ok now I have php4 for every of .php extension files and php5 for every .php5 extension files.

is it possible to make separate php.ini for every user account?

I tried to add .htaccess with
AddType php5-cgi .php

but it didn't work in my case :(
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