Php version CLI or CGI ?


Verified User
Apr 20, 2008
When php is in it's default state "CLI", php scripts run as the apache user.
If any files are uploaded or created with php, then the files will be saved as the apache user.
If you'd like to have php run as the system user instead of "apache", then you'd need to install suPhp.

So with suphp, php is compiled as cgi and users does not need to add/modify chmods on their upload correct? Like need to give write permission on folders...

Is that all difference between CLI and CGI versions of php? If yes, I would prefer CGI mode which will make chmod works useless and time earning for users.

But I feel like there are more to know but I could not find more info on forum. So please share your ideas.. Thanks
There's much more to know and lots of difference of opinion. For example, I use mod_ruid2.

Search these forums.

thanks for respond. I am also thinking of PHP-fastcgi custombuild 2.x. But is it stable enough to use with production env. with Custombuild 2?