php4 and 5


Verified User
Feb 10, 2008
Québec, Canada
Hi everyone! I want to install php4 and php5 on the same server. I see it's possible via custombuild, I set default_php to 4 and i have also change php5_cgi to yes. All others PHP options are off. I make ./build php and I can just use php 5.. But previously I have installed php4.. So it's suppose to be already there...

Want I'm doing wrong?
I don't set 2 options of php to on like said in the custombuild faq

4. How to use options.conf?
* Do not set 2 versions of PHP to "yes".
* After the changes every time run "./build update_data"

did I need to put php4 and php5 cgi to yes? Or just make php4 cgi and php5 cgi after and leave php_default to 4?
Thank you for the quote, just updated it :) Take a look at it now. Yes, you need have both PHP4 and PHP5 set to yes.