php5_cgi php.ini

Verified User
Apr 15, 2007
1) How would the value "open_basedir" look like for "php5-cgi"(suPHP)?
2) What is the right right way to configurate the user file php.ini for php5-cgi suPHP. To be more specific: we need to get an independent the php.ini file for every user, so that the user couldn't do any manipulations with that file.
Why do you need open_basedir for it? suPHP doesn't allow to go outside the directory (unless other files are owned by the same user). If you will use system() function - it doesn't look for open_basedir value, because it can execute any ssh command. About the php.ini file - you can set anything you want in /usr/local/suphp/etc/suphp.conf. Good luck!
Why do you need open_basedir for it? suPHP doesn't allow to go outside the directory (unless other files are owned by the same user). If you will use system() function - it doesn't look for open_basedir value, because it can execute any ssh command. About the php.ini file - you can set anything you want in /usr/local/suphp/etc/suphp.conf. Good luck!

any user can view any file outside his directory


apache 1.3 suphp(php-cgi 5), not any. /etc/passwd is word-readable. Try to read something like /home/otheruser/domains/ :), not any. /etc/passwd is word-readable. Try to read something like /home/otheruser/domains/ :)

also works.. i dont understand nothing. I have php5 with cgi suphp but i think that is an open hole.. why is possible /home/oneuser/public_html/ could read all files in the server? not only /etc/passwd if i put in the readfile funtion /home/otheruser/public_html/config.php i can see all the source code of the php.

I have try with open base dir in off and on and the same...

can you provide a script that adds a php.ini file into /home/username/php.ini and sets the open_basedir value?
i think the script should add with custombuild.
i don't know how to replace the default open_basedir with /home/username/
i would suggest

perl -pi -e 's/;open_basedir =/open_basedir =\/home\/$username/' /home/$username/php.ini

try this:

# Default php.ini location

# PHP.ini user location


perl -pi -e 's/;open_basedir =/open_basedir =\/home\/$username/' $USERPHPINI

chown root:root $USERPHPINI
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thanks, will try then post result.

btw, when deleting that user, is the php.ini going to be deleted as well? since it's with root:root.
Yes the system will delete it ok

The $username variable in the perl line does not work!

This works fine:

# Default php.ini location

# PHP.ini user location


#### Cant get this to work!!!
#### perl -pi -e 's/;open_basedir =/open_basedir =\/home\/$username/g' $USERPHPINI

# Temp fix to insert path into php.ini
echo "open_basedir =/home/$username" >> $USERPHPINI

chown root:root $USERPHPINI
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iceuk626, it does :) Just change
perl -pi -e 's/;open_basedir =/open_basedir =\/home\/$username/g' $USERPHPINI

perl -pi -e "s/;open_basedir =/open_basedir =\/home\/$username/g" $USERPHPINI
All works fine apart from anything in /var/www/html

Everything i use is chown to webapps:webapps

What php.ini does /var/www/html use? when i uncomment suPHP_ConfigPath /usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/ in the suphp httpd conf all works fine again, but everthing goes back to the default php.ini.