php_expert SystemD Service


Verified User
Jan 24, 2021
Hey guys,

Working on a DirectAdmin server today I used php_expert to install PHP 7.3 once completed I noticed the php fpm service for this version failed to start.

Looking further it seems that the service was never installed.

Sadly, I do not have the compile logs to show, but I am wondering is this expected behavior?
How did you install it? What was the exact command you used for it?

And did you enable php-fpm 7.3 in options.conf before compiling?
And ran ./build update afterwards?
Yes, 7.3 was on the 3rd PHP option within options.conf, I also updated build before hand.

I had seen this once before but shrugged if off as a one off issue.

The exact command used was ./build php_expert 7.3

^ Is the above correct?

* Edit: This does seem to only happen if the version has never been installed before

Thanks Richard :)
Last edited:

I was able to recreate this issue on another server this morning, however, this time I did tee to a log so I can post the full results here:

This is what DA Reports when attempting to start the service:

Cannot find the script in /etc/systemd/system, /usr/lib/systemd/system, nor /lib/systemd/system​


I did the same steps as mentioned within my last post.

Thanks to anyone who takes a look at this.