phpMyAdmin 2.6.0 Problems Forseen


Verified User
Feb 12, 2004
I just installed the latest release candidate of phpMyAdmin 2.6.0 and noticed a new feature. You can now change database names within it.

Once it is in a stable state and more people want to update (it looks much nicer than previous versions) won't this cause a problem with DA since the way it keeps track of databases for each user is by the name structure? I would think so.
If a user changed a database name DA would not notice the change.

Just giving a little warning so we don't all of a sudden have frantic administrators posting that users are creating as many databases as they want.

I have not taken a close look but if its possible to easily disable that feature then will DA need to release custom phpmyadmin scripts to avoid allowing this feature to users? Or is there a better way to keep track of user databases for DA?

Just loooking for some feedback to maybe help DirectAdmin along :)
If phpMyAdmin can do it, why couldn't someone who knows what they're doing do it through a custom PHP script?

I don't see how this is a phpMyAdmin specific problem :)
It not specific to phpMyAdmin. C'mon, Had to think of something to use in the title :p

But yes, this is a small problem wouldn't you say?
Maybe a little script that runs along with the tallies and stuff that deletes all databases not in the username_name format or something.
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So what you're saying is that if someone renames their database you're going to delete it without warning?

I sure hope you're I'm misreading your post; this seems draconian and dangerous. And sure to lose you customers and increase your liability.

So please tell me I'm misreading your post.

This is a little old, but was recently brought to my attention. Yes I know that would be evil, this is why I suggest some sort of script that checks all databases in the nightly tally run and notifies the admin or reseller of the database and who it belongs to so that the admin or reseller can take the necassary actions.

An even better way if possible would have DA resynch with MySQL databases and accounts which would eliminate this problem entirely.

The whole username_dbname is a good idea, but if we put everything on a scale, I wonder if it would not be better to allow any name and not require the prefix. Of course there would be naming conflicts, but then users would have the option of using their username as a prefix. This would also eliminate the phpmyadmin renaming and creating database problems (for the most part)
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renaming databases is subject to having the right permission's I would assume DA doesnt give the permissions needed to do this to the user, if it does then it would probably need to be changed.
I am runnign 2.6.0-pl3 and I dont even see a way to rename databases and I am logged in as mysql root.

Where is the option?
Its there. When viewing a database (showing the tables) the option is at the very bottom of the page under the create new table box.