phpMyAdmin blank page redirect when enable SSO


Verified User
Jul 3, 2019
Tried to enable SSO using this:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/
./directadmin set one_click_pma_login 1
service directadmin restart
cd custombuild
./build update
./build phpmyadmin
service directadmin restart

And from Admin or User interface when I click to phpMyAdmin I get a blank page at "hostname"/phpmyadmin/direct_login/index.php
Tried rebuild, no luck. tried clearing cache in case was my browser's stupid fault, no luck.
In /var/log/httpd/ error log there is nothing.

View source on /phpmyadmin/direct_login/index.php just blank page. No output at all.

Fresh install of Centos 8 with MySQL 8.0.

native password if off, it's a fresh install no upgrade from 5.x or MariaDB.
da_admin was working just fine before enabling SSO.

Other times I am getting a "
Cannot Execute Your Request

That database does not exist

And it's redirecting me to :
404 Error
Sorry, but the page you are looking for can't be found.

Any ideas?
Does it happen with pre-release binaries too? As I think it's been fixed there a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not 100% sure :)
It's a fresh install, 2 days old. Evolution / Sidebar skin.

Compiled on CentOS 8.0 64-Bit
Compile Date Oct 23 2019, 16:16:22
Server Version 1.59.4

SSO should work or not on admin side ?

As admin:
It pop ups a new tab to login to phpMyAdmin and the "old" tab with the Directadmin goes to hostname:2222/admin/undefined?token=undefined
With output:
404 Error
Sorry, but the page you are looking for can't be found.

And the new tab asks for password in phpMyAdmin. I can login normally using da_admin and password.

From the user side, on MySQL Management clicking the top right button phpMyAdmin it redirects to /phpMyAdmin/direct_login/index.php and it just stays there. Blank page.

The error with 404 is solved in the latest pre-release version of DA. I can confirm it. Use the script by the link to install a pre-release version of DirectAdmin.


The other issues I've reported by the link persists.

Indeed I also got the

No Domains
There is no default domain; you should start with creating one first

Switched to Beta using your script

Permissions set
[+] Directadmin beta version installed
Version: DirectAdmin v.1.59.4
Compiled on 'CentOS 8.0 64-Bit'
Compile time: Nov 7 2019 at 15:27:21
Timestamp: '1573165622'
Compiled with IPv6
gettext support: no

and I am getting

Cannot Execute Your Request
That database does not exist

So I leave it to stable and wait for a fix :-)

Permissions set
[+] Directadmin stable version installed
Version: DirectAdmin v.1.59.4
Compiled on 'CentOS 8.0 64-Bit'
Compile time: Oct 23 2019 at 16:16:21
Timestamp: '1571868964'
Compiled with IPv6
gettext support: no
I think in this case MySQL 8.0 is using different authentication methods that PHPMyAdmin doesn't support or do not understand yet therefore can't log in.