Hi all. I have CentOS5.2, and DA 1.33.6.
Before a mySQL crash occured, DA would allow the user admin to login and request a username/password. This box comes up, however, the admin and not the da_admin account, can login with a blank password field. Upon login, however, the admin, account for the DA CP shows no databases under PhpMyAdmin, nore do any regular users see there databases anymore.
For an example a user rob is created through DA. prior to my MySQL crash, a few days ago say Friday, rob would be asked when he clicks on SQL management, PHPMyAdmin for a username/password. If rob entered only a username he'd be shown the username/password box because he didn't enter a password.
Rob enters in both his username/password and is presented with the phpMyAdmin screen and it asks him to select a database, giving him a list of rob's 3 databases, because in the SQL manager prior, Rob created 3 databases and that's what both the MySQL management screen displays and phpMyAdmin.
When the SQL server crashed, however, rob can get away with entering just his username and no password. When the SQL server recovered Rob's 3 databases were ok, but now The SQL management screen shows Rob's 3 databases, but if rob logs into phpMyAdmin with just rob as his username and no password he cannot see any of his databases.
I've Googled around but I am not sure of how to really fix this, I would do a complete wipe and reinstall of DA but if there is another way of fixing this then by all means I'd love to know.
By the way, if I use the da_admin user and the da_admin password found in /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/setup.txt, da_admin can see everyone's databases.