Solved phpMyAdmin not opening


Verified User
Apr 19, 2020
Has anyone come across the issue with phpMyAdmin not opening when clicking on the menu item in either Admin or User interface?
I figured it out.

When there is no Database on the server, phpMyAdmin does not open.
Maybe it's like that by design.
How do you log in with "admin" when it's closed off publically? I mean, being able to would be helpful from a support point of view as you'll get access to every database = less time diagnosing tickets.
as you'll get access to every database
No you don't. You need the da_admin account for that or the mysql root account. Not the normal admin account.
You can always reach phpmyadmin directly via the external link (unless you closed that one down).
No you don't. You need the da_admin account for that or the mysql root account. Not the normal admin account.
You can always reach phpmyadmin directly via the external link (unless you closed that one down).
Ok, I meant the 'da_admin' account, you know what I meant........ My question is still valid, how would you access this if you don't have phpmyadmin public.
My question is still valid, how would you access this if you don't have phpmyadmin public.
Well the answers in still the same in the basics.
You either don't, or you create a dummy database from within the panel so you can access phpmyadmin.
I just did a fresh install of DA on AlmaLinux 8.
Refreshed skin

phpmyadmin_public = no

No matter what I do phpMyAdmin does not open or initiate.
The page just bumps to the right and back but nothing happens.

There is a DB created by an Installtron App.

Has anyone seen or experienced this?

I tried rebuilding phpMyAdmin but it still the same.
It's difficult to explain, but the when I click the phpMyAdmin menu link the page display moved (it added a scrollbar on the right) then removes it.

Anyhow, I had phpMyAdmin settings in Custombuild as follows:

phpmyadmin yes
phpmyadmin_public no
phpmyadmin_ver 5

A Rebuild didn't solve the problem and there was no phpMyAdmin menu option on in MySQL Management either.

What worked was doing this this:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/
./directadmin set one_click_pma_login 1 restart
cd custombuild
./build update
./build set phpmyadmin_public no
./build phpmyadmin
That is odd. You must do a ./build update first yes, but if you did that before too, it sould have worked.
The one_click_pma_login is not a requirement so shouldn't be necessary.

Anyway, good it's fixed. If you can edit your post (I think you can) you might edit your first post and set the prefix to fixed.
I think I face the same issue and I'm not sure how to fix it or if I did something wrong. In the "Edit Options" tab of CustomBuild 2.0 I've set this:


When I click on the phpmyadmin icon in the menu bar or open it via the search, nothing happens. Hovering the icon doesn't show any link. Opening https://<serverip>:2222/phpmyadmin just opens the regular admin panel, not phpmyadmin.

Do I have to trigger an (re-)install of phpmyadmin on my own? I thought it's done by the UI if it's needed.

Best Regards,
If you set phpmyadmin_public to no, then you have to do what is stated in post #10. Via SSH that is, or maybe via the custombuild plugin in the UI if that is possible there. I never use that.
Okay, this surprises me: You have to do the steps exactly in the order like istartcloud wrote it. Without "./directadmin set one_click_pma_login 1 restart" it doesn't work as well. So you need to set this parameter, do a build update and a build phpmyadmin and then it does work. This happens on Debian 11 x64 for me. So doing this via the UI doesn't make sense it seems because at the end, it's broken/still not working.
So you need to set this parameter, do a build update and a build phpmyadmin and then it does work.
Yes seems like it. Seems to me this is a bug, as really the one_click_pma_login should be a choice and not a requirement to get this to work.
Changing this parameter tho, makes it necessary to rebuild phpmyadmin.
Okay so one_click_pma_login does this according to docs: "A one-click login to phpMyAdmin."

So how does this differ to the description of setting public access to no:


"Single-sign-on" sounds like what "one_click_pma_login" does. So maybe the option in CustomBuild should have set this parameter automatically?
So how does this differ to the description of setting public access to no:
As said, it's probably a bug because these are 2 different things.

However, if you have phpmyadmin_public to yes, the one-lick login does not need to be enabled for phpmyadmin to work.
That is the difference.

Like I said, the one-click login shouldn't be required normally because it's a different function. That's why I think it's a bug that this is needed when phpmyadmin_public is set to no.
I see. I wasn't completely sure if it's indeed 2 different features or just described different and do the same actually. Then we have a bug here, yep. As always, thank you for the great support/community here.
I see. I wasn't completely sure if it's indeed 2 different features or just described different and do the same actually. Then we have a bug here, yep. As always, thank you for the great support/community here.
I found the DA operation with this to be strange and I think it's something the devs should rethink.

If there is no DB created for any user phpMyAdmin doesn't open or show any messages on SSO mode.

Create a test DB for a user first then try opening it again.
There was a db existing so this wasn't the issue in my case. I created one before I tried your solution because I thought that's the root cause for my issue but it wasn't.