Phpmyadmin not updated?

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008
My server was upgraded from CB 1.2 to 2.0 and I just discovered something.

When I login to phpmyadmin now there is 1 notice and 1 warning. Sorry if the warnings are not quite correct, they are in Dutch so I translated them to English myself.

1.) A more recent version of PhpMyadmin is available, u consider an upgrade. The newer version is, release on 2014-12-03.
2.) The configuration-storage of phpmyadmin is not fully setup, some extended possibilities are disabled. To know why click here.

When I click "here" I get another page which displays this:

PMA Database ... Not good [ Documentation ]
Overall relation-options Disabled

So I tried ./build update and ./build update_versions, but only this was coming.
./build phpmyadmin
File already exists
MD5 Checksum on patches/pma_auth_logging.patch passed.
Patching phpMyAdmin to log failed authentications for BFM...
patching file libraries/
Hunk #1 succeeded at 865 (offset -7 lines).
patching file libraries/logging.lib.php
phpMyAdmin 4.2.13-all-languages installation is done.

However, the 2 notices are still displayed.
It can't be the rewrite_confs because this is already done before to fix an issue.

How can I fix these 2 errors? Because 4.2.13 is installad, I checked. Although it says 4.2.13 and not but I presume that doesn't matter?
Well, has been released today so maybe is still not in CB ;) Give it few days to Martynas and John to add it in CB.

Regarding second issue i do have the same message, but apparently (as far as i can see and as far no customer complained about issues) that doesnt affect the working of phpMyAdmin.

Also, i've tryed to check the link about the configuration issue but it continue load and load without open any page, maybe Martynas should have further informations.

Oh LoL, didn't know it was release just today.

I'm interested in Martynas opinion about the second issue which you also have. Maybe it's nothing but I'm a rather curious person.:)
Well, it was on your post aswell ;)

1.) A more recent version of PhpMyadmin is available, u consider an upgrade. The newer version is, release on 2014-12-03.
