phpmyadmin problem !


Verified User
Aug 2, 2008
i have problem with my phpmyadmin !
some users can login to their phpmyadmin with the account username and password but some cannot !
and another problem is it when i change a user password ! phpmyadmin password will not update until 2 day
how can i fix this problem i need to work on my data base !
thanks .
There is no reason this would happen. Phpmyadmin pulls privileges from mysql live. There would be nothing different in 2 days or any amount of days. Maybe your phpmyadmin setup is defunct. Try reinstalling it.

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build phpmyadmin d
i try this command !
but not fixed and i cannot login to phpmyadmin with my account details !
Have you possibly upgrade (manual?) from MySQL4 and MySQL5 and didn't 'converted' so you have to use old-passwords?

Also have you tried to reset the password for a user that can't login to MySQL/phpmyadmin?
no i install directadmin with mysql 5
no when i change a user password it did not work until about 2 day !
some times it never works !
This appears to be something that cannot happen. Yet you're sure it does. So it's going to require investigation by an experienced system administrator. There's just not a simple answer for something that cannot happen but does.
