phpMyAdmin stopped working


Verified User
Jul 3, 2011
a week of time ago, i have installed CSF firewall on my server.
CSF gave some notifications about system security that to disable some php functions on server (like system,curl_exec,etc) i hav disabled those but now http://ip/phpmyadmin showing a blank page... i am unable to get into phpmyadmin what could be the problem? disabling such functions caused this? or something than this?

comments are welcome:cool:
:( SSH also not working on puTTy :( i changed ssh config file also as per the notification of CSF :( CSF ****ed me now i am unable to login as rooT
is there anyother way to login as root? i think SSH config file modification only caused the proble in phpmyadmin as well as SSH :(
Are you able to see websites? Are you able to log into directadmin? Have you tryed to reconnect your router so you have a new ip?


If you've got access into Directadmin and have a valid root's password you still can change sshd config via directadmin web-ui (see File Editor at Admin Level in directadmin).
Prolly he changed ssh port and didnt configure csf opening that port...

If you are able to login into directadmin you can easly disable csf and check your configuration.

try remove one "disable_functions" per time and check phpmyadmin till you found the one causing the blank page.


I got this problem too, and this solved my problem!
Get rid of the 'ini_set' under 'disable_functions' in your php.ini, although CSF recommends this.
Your phpmyadmin will otherwise give a blank screen...

My 'disable_functions' now are:
disable_functions = exec,system,passthru,shell_exec,escapeshellarg,escapeshellcmd,proc_close,proc_open,dl,popen,show_source

Thank you SeLLeRoNe !
I got this problem too, and this solved my problem!
Get rid of the 'ini_set' under 'disable_functions' in your php.ini, although CSF recommends this.
Your phpmyadmin will otherwise give a blank screen...

My 'disable_functions' now are:
disable_functions = exec,system,passthru,shell_exec,escapeshellarg,escapeshellcmd,proc_close,proc_open,dl,popen,show_source

Thank you SeLLeRoNe !
yes the problem is exactly ini_set:
Warning: ini_set() has been disabled for security reasons in ../phpMyAdmin-3.5.7-all-languages/index.php on line 3

this means, CSF won't be happy about it :)
Thanks SeLLeRoNe!

I recently installed CSF and then modified the server due to the suggestions on the CSF server security check. Just tried to login to phpmyadmin today and nothing! Argh!

Knew it was likely due to one of the changes that I made after installing CSF, but read this thread, removed the "ini_set" from the disabled functions line, restarted httpd and back working again! :-)