PHPMyAdmin User Login??


Verified User
May 4, 2004
What is the username/password that users are supposed to use to log in to PHPMyAdmin with?? I currently only have 1 user on the system (the reseller) and I can't log in with that username and password. I can log in with root and da_admin fine, just not the user. Thanks.


P.S. I did try changing localhost to but that made the problem worse as I couldn't log in at all.
When you setup a database through DirectAdmin's MySQL Managment page you also have to create a user for that database. You should be able to login to phpmyadmin whith the username and password that you assigned to that database.

Also, DA Uses format similar to:
dausername_uname and dausername_dbname

So for example. If you DA username was "life" and you created a database with a user named "test" the acual username login that you would use would be "life_test" The same goes for the database name, substituting where appropriate.
Ok, I thought that it would be like CPanel were the user clicks on PHPMyAdmin and he is automatically in, but can only see his/her databases and nobody elses.

The link doesn't automatically log you in (although it would probably be a simple skin edit for it to do it)

One thing I did forget, users should be able to login with their username and password from directadmin that they used (assuming they haven't changed it)
Thats the way its showing up for my user Privileges

since you can login as da_admin you can modify the username and password so that users can login and have control over all their databases from one place, since thats how it was supposed to be setup.
jmstacey said:
since you can login as da_admin you can modify the username and password so that users can login and have control over all their databases from one place, since thats how it was supposed to be setup.

Could you give me instructions on doing this?? Thanks.

Bascially, once logged in as da_admin, go to the privileges page. There will be a list of all users. There should be one users for each DirectAdmin user and then any other users created by that user will be in the format dausername_username"

Edit the Username (no underscore)
then in about the middle of the page under the "Database-specific privileges" should be a list of all databases owned by that user and that that use should have permissions over. If their not all there you can add them.

A little lower on the page is the "Change password"
There you can select the box and enter the password you would like to use. (don't forget to save changed)

Then you should be able to login using that username and password you just entered and have control over all databases that were listed under the "Database-specific privileges" section.