Picking up emails on your mobile and work


New member
Jul 16, 2007
Hi, im new to the forums so if this question has been asked before please paste the link.

I have a Nokia E61 and will be going away for a couple of weeks at the end of the month.

Basically, what I want to do is have my mobile send and receive my emails, but for those emails received to also go to my office.

if anyone could post the settings that would be great, I am very much the layman so Techspeak could be difficult. lol.

Thank you in advance
Basically, what I want to do is have my mobile send and receive my emails, but for those emails received to also go to my office.

First of all realize that your email does not go to your office and it does not go to your Nokia. Your email goes to an email box on the server. Your office email client, if it is open, initiates picking up the email from the server and the same is true of your Nokia.

I personally have a Treo that checks my email anytime I am away from the office. The best way I have found to deal with this is have all the email copied to another email box. That way nothing I do with one affects the other. The reason is because if I delete mail from the Treo the next time it checks for mail it deletes it off the server. Then I don't have it anymore if it were using the same email account.